9 Must See Banana Gadgets for Your Kitchen

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Many of us enjoy consuming bananas or adding them to our snacks on a daily basis. Slicing and preparing bananas for your treats will be easier when you have these banana preparation tools around:

Terracotta Clay Banana Baker: lets you use your overripe bananas to prepare delicious treats. Just peel a banana, place it in the Banana Baker, and add nuts, sprinkles, and other toppings to get started.

DestapaBanana Banana Filler: lets you fill your bananas with chocolate and other delicious liquids.

Yonanas Elite Frozen Healthy Dessert Maker: lets you prepare delicious desserts using chocolate, bananas, berries, and other ingredients.

Excalibur 3948CDB 9 Tray Food Dehydrator: a food dehydrator with digital controller that lets you dry bananas and prepare delicious treats.

Hutzler Banana Slicer: saves you time slicing bananas. It is much faster than using a knife.

Banana Guard: protects bananas from crushing and premature ripening.

Cunada Banana Corer: has stainless steel blades to cut bananas quickly. Useful for preparing fruit salads and cereals.

Vitamix 7500: a powerful mixer that crushes your ingredients and prepares delicious smoothies.

Banana Hook: enables you to ripe bananas under your cabinet. It holds your bananas, getting them out of your way.

Have you found better banana gadgets? Please share them here.