3 Smart Smartphone-Enabled Coffeemakers

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Not all coffeemakers are the same. It is true that there are many fancy coffee machines around, but not too many of them let you control them from your smartphone. These 3 connected coffee machines do:

Mr. Coffee Smart Coffee Machine: lets you schedule or adjust brew time easily. You can control it from your iOS or Android smartphone.

Arist Smart Coffee Maker: a smart machine with NFC that recognizes your cup and lets you download recipes. It gives you control over various elements of the brewing process.

BRUVELO: this is a smart, WiFi-connected pour-over coffee brewer. You can use recipes to control temperature, ground-to-water ratio and steep time for a particular bean. The coffee machine has a weight scale, carbon block water filer, water heater, and a ceramic burr grinder.

Which one of these coffee machines do you like the most?